Spring is Coming.....
Spring is coming.....
This spring is a little different. I am missing one of my biggest supports. My father passed away just before Thanksgiving. Before he passed, he made sure to gift me a second green house to expand my small green house business. He loved planting seeds and tending to his tomatoe plants. With that, the second green house is going up and I'm expanding into some flowers. I have been going thru seed catalogs none stop, ordering lots of different varieties of vegetable's this year. Also, excited to order every Zinnia seed I can get my hands on. To say I'm super excited is an understatement. There are some big plans we are working on this spring. We are hoping to have our new kitchen done in March. The new 8x10 farm stand/store will be built. Our first meat birds will arrive in April. Baby cows will show up anytime now. Lots to get done. Please pray for my Husband, I'm adding to his honey do list everyday.