2024 Spring projects .....
Big things are happening to grow the farm this year. We are working on tearing out the horse stalls and redoing that whole side of the barn into a chicken processing area. We have 400 chicks coming first of April! Concrete is coming, finishing the walls, adding sinks and countertops. The basement of the house is almost done for the new kitchen area for the smokehouse side of things. We have to get the new space inspected by health dept. and we can start doing orders again. Hope to be up and running by end of March. If the stars align , there will also be a small 8x12 farm stand out front of the pasture with a freezer to make it easier to sell our smokehouse and chicken products. I have been in full swing of planting seeds to start up the greenhouse. I'm so excited for all the varieties of vegetables and plants this year. Tripling in size from last year. The project list goes on and on. Please pray for my Husband! We are so excited to be expanding the farm and to be able to provide our friends and family awesome beef and chicken. And of course, beautiful flowers. If you need help planning your vegetable garden, please contact me. I'm here to help this summer.